mgrg will create a Golf directory structure (see "-i" option) when you create your application. While you can keep and compile Golf source files in any directory, the directories used by Golf are always under /var/lib/gg directory.
A Golf application is always owned by a single Operating System user (see "-u" option in mgrg), while different applications can be owned by different users. This is the directory structure:
/var/lib/gg/bld/<app name>
Build directory is where your application executables are built, with name <app name>.srvc for a service and <app name> for a command-line program. This is a scratch-pad directory, so do not alter files in it, or use for anything else.
/var/lib/gg/<app name>
Application directory. All application data, including internals such as sockets, are kept here. Each such directory is owned by its owner with 700 privileges, preventing other users from accessing its files.
/var/lib/gg/<app name>/app
Application home directory. This is the current working directory when your application runs. Copy/move here any files and directories your application needs.
/var/lib/gg/<app name>/app/file
This is file-storage used for uploads and new document creation. Do not write there directly; Golf does that for you, such as with uniq-file for instance, or when uploading files.
/var/lib/gg/<app name>/app/trace
Process tracing is written in per-process files if "--trace" option is used (see gg). Note that a special file "backtrace" is appended to when program crashes (or report-error statement is used), and this file shows a full source backtrace, allowing for easier debugging. In order to see Golf source code lines, you must use "--debug" option, and to see a backtrace, Golf must be built with debugging information included. You can use "--c-lines" in order to show the source code lines of the generated C code, instead of Golf code.
/var/lib/gg/<app name>/app/db
Database configuration directory contains the database-config-files used by Golf to connect to databases; this directory is maintained by Golf and you should not use it.
While Golf directories are fixed, you can effectively change their location by creating a soft link. This way, your directories and files can be elsewhere, even on a different disk. For example, to house your file storage on a different disk: