Report error

Purpose: Reports a fatal error.

 report-error <format>, <variable> [ , ... ]

report-error will report a fatal error. It will format an error message according to the <format> string and a list of <variable>s and then  write it in the trace file (see directories); this happens regardless of whether tracing is enabled or not.

See error-handling when report-error is called.

<format> string must be present and there must be at least one <variable> (it means if you want to trace a simple string literal you still have to use "%s" as format). The reason for this is to avoid formatting errors, and to use formatting in a consistent fashion.

<format> string must be a literal. Variables must follow <format> separated by commas in the same order as placeholders. If you use any placeholders other than specified below, or the type of variables you use do not match the type of a correspoding placeholder in <format>, your program will error out. You can use the following placeholders in <format> (see trace-run for an example of usage):
 report-error "Too many input parameters for %s, encountered total of [%ld]", "customer", num_count

See also
Error handling
See all

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