Out header

Purpose: Output HTTP header.

 out-header default
 out-header use \
     [ content-type <content type> ] \
     [ download [ <download> ] ] \
     [ etag [ <etag> ] ] \
     [ file-name <file name> ] \
     [ ( cache-control <cache control> ) | no-cache ] \
     [ status-id <status id> ] \
     [ status-text <status text> ] \
     [ custom <header name>=<header value> [ , ... ] ]

out-header outputs HTTP header and also sends any cookies produced by set-cookie and delete-cookie. A web page must have an HTTP header output before any other response.

If out-header is not used, a default HTTP header is sent out just before the very first output (see output-statement, p-out etc.) at which point any cookie updates are sent as well; this default header is the same as using "out-header default".

If you use out-header multiple times, all but the very first one are ignored.

If you wish to output a file (such as an image or a PDF document), do not use out-header; rather use send-file instead which outputs its own header.

The HTTP header is sent back to a client who initiated a request. You can specify any custom headers with "use" clause.
Default header
If no out-header is used, or if "default" clause is in place, a default header is constructed, which uses a status of 200/OK and content type of

and cache control of
 Cache-Control:max-age=0, no-cache; Pragma: no-cache

The default header is typical for dynamically generated web pages, and most of the time you would use the default header - meaning you don't need to specify out-header statement.
The following are subclauses that allow setting any custom header:
You can use silent-header before output-header in order to suppress its output.
Sometimes you may want to output the default header immediately, for instance if the first output produces may take some time:
 out-header default

To set a custom header for a web page that changes cache control and adds two new headers:
 out-header use content-type "text/html" cache-control "max-age:3600" custom "some_HTTP_option"="value_for_some_HTTP_option", "some_HTTP_option_1"="value_for_some_HTTP_option_1"

See also
See all

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