Encode hex

Purpose: Encode data into hexadecimal string.

 encode-hex <data> to <output> \
     [ input-length <input length> ] \
     [ prefix <prefix> ]

encode-hex will encode string <data> to hexadecimal string <output> given in "to" clause which consists of digits "0"-"9" and letters "a"-"f".

The length of <data> to encode may be given with <input length> number in "input-length" clause; if not the whole string <data> is used. If you wish to prefix the output with a string <prefix>, you can specify it in "prefix" clause with <prefix>; otherwise no prefix is prepended.
Create hexadecimal string from binary data "mydata" of length 7, prefixed with string "\\\\x" (which is typically needed for PostgreSQL binary input to queries). The output string "hexout" is created:
 set-string mydata = "\x00""A""\x00""\xF""AB""\x00""\x04"
 encode-hex mydata to hexout input-length 7 prefix "\\\\x"

The value of "hexout" will be:

See also
Hex encoding
See all

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