Connect apache unix socket

This shows how to connect your application listening on a Unix socket (started with mgrg) to Apache web server.

- Step 1:
To setup Apache as a reverse proxy and connect your application to it, you need to enable FastCGI proxy support, which generally means "proxy" and "proxy_fcgi" modules - this is done only once:
- Step 2:
Edit the Apache configuration file:
Add this to the end of file ("/<app path>" is the application path (see request) and "<app name>" is your application name):
ProxyPass "/<app path>/" unix:///var/lib/gg/<app name>/sock/sock|fcgi://localhost/<app path>

- Step 3:
Finally, restart Apache. On Debian systems (like Ubuntu) or OpenSUSE:
sudo systemctl restart apache2

On Fedora systems (like RedHat) and Arch Linux:
sudo systemctl restart httpd

Note: you must not have any other URL resource that starts with "/<app path>/" (such as for example "/<app path>/something") as the web server will attempt to pass them as a reverse proxy request, and they will likely not work. If you need to, you can change the application path to be different from "/<app path>", see request.
See also
Web servers
See all

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